Songs of the Week 04/05/2024
Hope you like 3/4, and 6/8 even more. Yea, that’s right, other time signatures exist, I just can’t tell them apart because I never learned to count.

Songs of the Week 03/29/2024
Since y’all had to slog through some LEQ-type shit last time, this week, I’ve cooked up something shorter for your perusal. See? I even simplified to “y’all.” That’s some contractional efficiency. G’bless.

July in Review | Songs of the Week 07/28/2023 (coming to you from 08/04/2023)
New Big Thief, new Shakey Graves, new Jim Noir hidden in Co-Pilot, AND new Wilco? Okay, well, the Wilco here is old Wilco, but that was before I knew there would be new Wilco. I'll fire an intern and do better next time.

Songs of the Week 05/05/2023
Netflix, if you're reading this, have your people connect with my people so I can improve my music taste.